
Call of Duty: Warzone Mobile Set for Global Launch on March 21

cod for mobile

Activision, the renowned game developer, has long been in the works of bringing one of its flagship titles, Call of Duty: Warzone, to mobile platforms. However, the journey towards this endeavor has been marked by several setbacks, potentially influenced by its recent acquisition by tech giant Microsoft.

Initially slated for a May 2023 release, Call of Duty: Warzone Mobile faced successive delays, shifting its launch window to November and eventually into 2024. However, the latest announcement from Activision brings forth a definitive release date: March 21.

Marking a significant milestone, Call of Duty: Warzone Mobile will enjoy a global launch on both iOS and Android platforms on March 21. The game, which has been in "limited release" over the past year, promises an expansive experience with two sprawling maps: Verdansk accommodating 120 players, and Rebirth Island hosting 48 players. Moreover, beloved multiplayer maps such as Shipment and Shoot House will make their mobile debut, alongside various gameplay modes.

One of the most enticing aspects of Call of Duty: Warzone Mobile is its integrated progression system, allowing seamless continuity between the mobile version and its counterparts on consoles and PCs. This means that players can advance their weaponry and experience points regardless of the platform they're using.

Additionally, the game introduces shared Battle Pass progression across platforms, aligning with its counterparts from Call of Duty: Modern Warfare III and Call of Duty: Warzone on consoles and PCs. This integration empowers players to optimize their gameplay across platforms, efficiently advancing through tiers within the Battle Pass.

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