
NCC Signs MoU With Nokia To Establish 4G/5G Test Lab; Train Young Nigerians

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The Nigerian Communications Commission (NCC) is ready to step up the country’s telecommunications capabilities by signing a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Nokia. This strategic partnership is aimed at training young Nigerians on the latest 4G and 5G radio and transmission technologies. The initiative is part of a broader effort to boost digital literacy and develop a pipeline of technical talent across Nigeria.

Under the terms of the MoU, Nokia will establish a fully operational 5G/4G test lab, utilizing their advanced radio and transmission technologies. This facility will serve as a practical training ground for participants, allowing them to gain hands-on experience with cutting-edge telecommunications equipment. The test lab is expected to play a crucial role in familiarizing Nigerian students with the intricacies of modern network infrastructure.

The training program is set to be conducted nationwide at the Commission’s Digital Parks. It is designed to equip participants with contemporary skills and knowledge, enabling them to adapt to the rapidly evolving telecommunications industry.

In addition to the test lab, Nokia will also set up an Entrepreneur Learning Program. This program aims to deliver high-quality vocational training to 200 Nigerian students selected from across the six geopolitical zones of the country. The selection process will ensure a representative group of participants, fostering equal opportunity.

The Executive Vice Chairman of the NCC, Dr. Aminu Maida, emphasized the importance of this collaboration in advancing Nigeria’s vision to enhance digital literacy. By 2030, the National Digital Economy Policy and Strategy (NDEPS) aims to achieve a 90% digital literacy rate among Nigerians. This ambitious target is not limited to the youth but extends to older individuals as well, ensuring that no one is left behind in the digital transformation.

The Minister of Communications, Innovation, and Digital Economy, Dr. Bosun Tijani, also highlighted the government’s plan to onboarding individuals who may lack the foundational understanding of technology. The comprehensive digital literacy plan is designed to empower Nigerians to participate actively in the digital economy, regardless of age or physical ability.


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