How To

A Step-by-step guide to changing margin in Google Docs

Google Docs is a workspace that allows users to create and edit text, right in the web browser or through the app itself, suffice to say, when working on a project using Google Docs, you want to change the default margin to something more compatible to your work type or personal preference.


It can be a tricky thing to do if you haven't tried to change your Google Docs margin before, it was confusing the first few times I tried it myself, but this article will take you through a simplified step-by-step guide on how to change the margins in Google Docs.

Why change margins in Google Docs?

We change margins in Google Docs for several reasons, ranging from

  • Project requirement
  • Personal preference
  • Customization

How to conveniently change margins in Google Docs on a mobile phone

A margin is the area between the main content of a page and the page's edge, a margin helps to define where a line or text begins and ends.

  1. Open the Google Docs app.
  2. Select the documents you want or create a new one.
  3. Tap the Edit icon on the lower-right corner of the document.
  4. Tap on the Menu icon in the upper-right corner.
  5. Tap on the Page Setup.
  6. Tap on Margin.
  7. Select between the options, which are, Narrow, Default, Wide, or Custome.
  8. If you choose to customize your margin, type the number on each side of the document and enter the appropriate measurements.
  9. Tap Apply at the top right.

How to change the margin using the ruler method

  1. Open your document in Google Docs.
  2. If you don’t see the ruler at the top of your document, enable it by clicking View > Show Ruler in the menu bar.
  3. To set the left and right margins:
  4. Hover your cursor over the gray area on the ruler.
  5. Drag the gray area left or right to adjust the margins.
  6. To adjust the top and bottom margins:
  7. Use the ruler’s gray area on the left and right sides (vertical ruler) of your document.
  8. Your changes are saved automatically.

How to change the margin in Google Docs using the page setup method

  1. Open your Google Docs document.
  2. From the menu bar, select File > Page Setup.
  3. In the Page Setup box, click on the Pages tab.
  4. You’ll find a section labeled Margins (Inches) where you can specify your page margins:
  5. Top: Set the space between the top of your page and your content.
  6. Bottom: Define the space between the bottom of your page and your content.
  7. Left: Specify the left margin.
  8. Right: Adjust the right margin.
  9. After modifying the margins, click OK to save your changes.
  10. To quickly undo margin adjustments, press Ctrl+Z (Windows) or Command+Z (Mac).


Changing the margins in Google Docs can be a straightforward process if you are harmed with the necessary methods to do so, be it on your mobile device or PC.

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